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Cristian Ciocan
Iulian Apostolescu


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  1. Walter Biemel, Le concept de monde chez Heidegger, Vrin, 2015
  2. Emil M. Cioran, La speranza è più della vita, a cura di Antonio Di Gennaro, traduzione italiana di Stefania Achella, Mimesis, 2015
  3. Benjamin Fondane, Existential Monday: Essays, Bruce Baugh (Editor, Translator, Introduction), Andrew Rubens (Translator), Random House, 2015
  4. Stefan Munteanu, La filosofía india y la creación de Mihai Eminescu, Editura Niram Art, Madrid, 2015
  5. George Remete, Martin Heidegger zwischen Phänomenologie und Theologie, Edition Hagia Sophia, 2015
  6. Gabriel Sandu, Hourya Benis-Sinaceur, Marco Panza, Functions and Generality of Logic. Reflections on Dedekind's and Frege's Logicisms, Springer, 2015
  7. Gabriel Vacariu, Illusions of Human Thinking. On Concepts of Mind, Reality, and Universe in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Physics, Springer, 2015


  1. Ulrich Breuer, Ana-Stanca Tabarasi-Hoffmann (Hg.), Der Begriff der Kritik in der Romantik, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2015
  2. Larisa Cercel, Adriana Serban (Eds.), Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation, De Gruyter, 2015
  3. Natalie Depraz, Claudia Şerban (dir.), La surprise. À l'épreuve des langues, Éditions Hermann, 2015
  4. John Dillon, Andrei Timotin (Eds.), Platonic Theories of Prayer, Brill, 2015
  5. Maria Gyemant (dir.), Psychologie et psychologisme, Vrin, 2015
  6. Maria Gyemant, Délia Popa (Hrsg.), Approches phénoménologiques de l'inconscient, Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2015
  7. Adrian Niță (Ed.), Leibniz’s Metaphysics and Adoption of Substantial Forms. Between Continuity and Transformation, Springer, 2015
  8. Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  9. Claude Vishnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.), Patočka lecteur d’Aristote. Phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie, Le Cercle Herméneutique, 2015


  1. Vlad Alexandrescu, Grigore Vida, “Sur les lettres CDLXXVI ter et quater d’AT (Clerselier, T. II, XXIII et XXIV)”, in:  Bulletin cartésien, XLIV, in Archives de Philosophie, Paris, 2015, 1, tome 78, p. 174-182
  2. Andreea Smaranda Aldea: "Spinoza's Imagination - Rethinking Passivity", in: Idealistic Studies, online first 2015
  3. Dan Batovici: "Apocalyptic and metanoia in the Shepherd of Hermas", in: Apocrypha 26/2015
  4. Dan Batovici: "Hermas’ Authority in Irenaeus’ Works: A Reassessment", in: Augustinianum 55 (1): 5-31 (2015)
  5. Dan Batovici: "Textual Revisions of the Shepherd of Hermas in Codex Sinaiticus", in: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity, Volume 18, Issue 3 (Dec 2015)
  6. Ana Bazac: "Person—for Me, and Object—for the Other?", in: Dialogue and Universalism, quarterly by Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy Of Sciences and by Polish SEC (Société Européenne de Culture) 2/2015
  7. Alexandru Boboc: "Pluralism of Values and Cultural Communication Today", in: Dialogue and Universalism, quarterly by Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and by Polish SEC (Société Européenne de Culture) 2/2015
  8. Mihnea D. I. Capraru: "Stained glass as a model for consciousness", in: Philosophical Explorations, Volume 18, Issue 1, March 2015
  9. Gabriel Cercel: "Grundzüge einer dialogischen Hermeneutik von Eigenem und Fremdem in Heideggers Aus einem Gespräch von der Sprache", in: Heidegger Studies, Vol. 31 (2015). Being-historical Hermeneutic in Enactment
  10. Cristian Ciocan: "Heidegger’s phenomenology of embodiment in the Zollikon Seminars", in: Continental Philosophy Review, December 2015, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp 463-478
  11. Madalina Diaconu: "Longing for the Clouds - Does Beautiful Weather Have to Be Fine“, in: Contemporary Aesthetics, vol. 13 (2015)
  12. Madalina Diaconu: "Grasping the Wind? Aesthetic Participation, between Cognition and Immersion“, in: Aesthetics in Action, ed. by Krystyna Wilkoszewska, International Yearbook of Aesthetics, vol. 18/2014, Krakow: Libron, 2015, 21-35
  13. Christian Ferencz-Flatz, "Geschichte am Scheideweg. Heidegger und der Surrealismus bei Benjamin", in: Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 2015
  14. Christian Ferencz-Flatz: "The element of intersubjectivity. Heidegger’s early conception of empathy", in: Continental Philosophy Review, December 2015, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp 479-496
  15. Anca Gheaus: "Unfinished adults and defective children: on the nature and value of childhood", in: Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 9(1): 1-21, 2015
  16. Anca Gheaus: "Three Cheers for the Token Woman!", in: Journal of Applied Philosophy 32(2): 163-176, 2015
  17. Maria Gyemant: "Qu'est-ce qu'un phénomène physique? Sur la théorie des sensations dans la Psychologie du point de vue empirique de Franz Brentano et ses conséquences pour la scientificité de la psychologie", in: Revue Philosophique de Louvain, Volume 113, issue 1, février 2015
  18. Arleen Ionescu: "Spacing Literature between Mallarmé, Blanchot and Derrida", in: Parallax Volume 21, Issue 1, 2015
  19. Nicolae Iuga, Laurentiu Batin: "The psychological resources of terrorism according to French Philosopher André Glucksmann", in: Global Journal of Human-Social Science, vol. 15, issue V, year 2015
  20. Ciprian Jeler: "Is there such a thing as “group selection” in the contextual analysis framework?", in: History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, February 2015, Volume 36, Issue 4, pp 484-502
  21. Paul Marinescu: "Traduire le passé. Enjeux et défis d’une opération historiographique", in: Ricoeur Studies, Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
  22. Claudiu Mesaroş: "Concordia Doctrinarum Or The Concept Of Cosmic Harmony In Gerard Of Cenad”, in: Dialogue and Universalism, quarterly by Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy Of Sciences and by Polish SEC (Société Européenne de Culture) 2/2015
  23. Emilian Mihailov: "Does the Origin of Normativity Stem from the Internalization of Dominance Hierarchies?", in: Symposion, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2015
  24. Ștefan Nicolae: "Alain Cottereau and Mokhtar Mohatar Marzok: Une famille andalouse. Ethnocomptabilité d’une économie invisible", in: Human Studies, Volume 38, Issue 1, March 2015
  25. Catalin Partenie: "Review of Charles Kahn, Plato and the Post-Socratic Dialogue, Cambridge University Press", in: Rhizomata, 3/2, December 2015, pp, 214-232
  26. Lucian Petrescu: "Cartesian Meteors and Scholastic Meteors: Descartes against the School in 1637", in: Journal of the History of Ideas, Volume 76, Number 1, January 2015 pp. 25-45
  27. Mihaela Pop: "How Can an Artefact Become an Artwork in the 20th Century?", in: Balkan Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2015
  28. Cristian - Ion Popa: "Republicanism: A New Political Philosophy?", in: Balkan Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2015
  29. Tiberiu Popa: "Observing the Invisible Regimen I on Elemental Powers and Higher Order Dispositions", in: British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 22, Issue 5, September 2014
  30. Dragoş Popescu: "Between Explanation and Understanding. The Overview of an Investigation into the Function of Contradiction in the Explanatory Models of the Human Sciences", in: Balkan Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2015
  31. Adina Preda, Kristin Voigt : "The Social Determinants of Health: Why Should We Care?", in: The American Journal of Bioethics Volume 15, Issue 3, 2015
  32. Andrei Simionescu-Panait: "Sour Fruits on the Trail: Renewing Phenomenological Practice. Interview with Roberta De Monticelli", in: Europe’s Journal of Psychology, Vol 11, No 3 (2015)
  33. Ovidiu Stanciu: "László Tengelyi, Welt und Unendlichkeit. Zum Problem phänomenologischer Metaphysik, Fribourg - en - Brisgau/Munich, Karl Alber,", in: Bulletin heideggérien, n°5, 2015
  34. Ovidiu Stanciu: "Cathrin Nielsen et Hans Reiner Sepp, Welt Denken. Annäherung an die kosmologie Eugen Finks, Freiburg/München, Karl Alber, 2010 [recension]", in: Revue Alter n °22, 2015: Hans Jonas
  35. Alin Suciu: "The Book of Bartholomew: A Coptic Apostolic Memoir", Apocrypha 26/2015
  36. Alin Suciu: "The Recovery of the Lost Fragment preserving the Title of the Coptic Book of Bartholomew. Edition and translation of Cornell University Library, Misc. Bd. MS. 683", Apocrypha 26/2015
  37. Claudia Șerban: "Heidegger lecteur de Kierkegaard. Remarques et perspectives", in: Archives de Philosophie, 2015/3 (Tome 78)
  38. Claudia Șerban: « Emmanuel de saint Aubert, Être et chair I », Philosophie, vol. 126, n° 3/2015, p. 93-96
  39. Ion Tănăsescu: "A problem of the intentional relation of presentation in Brentano’s empirical psychology", in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 77/2015, p. 251-271
  40. Ion Tănăsescu: "The two Theories of Intentionality in Brentano and the Program of Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint (211-231)", in: Brentano Studien, Volume 13 (2015) - Brentano's Concept of Intentionality. New Assessments
  41. Andrei Timotin: “La demonologie medio-platonicienne”, Rivista di storia della filosofia 2/2015
  42. Iulian D. Toader: "Editorial: New Perspectives in the Philosophy of Physics", in: Foundations of Physics, Volume 45, Issue 9, September 2015, Special Issue: New Perspectives in the Philosophy of Physics
  43. Iulian D. Toader: "Objectivity and understanding: a new reading of Carnap’s Aufbau", in: Synthese, January 2015
  44. Ionut Untea: "From “The Kingdom of Darkness” to “The Pit Beneath the Cave”: Leo Strauss’s Critique of “Steady Progr ess” and the Contemporary Ideal of Sustainable Development", in: Dialogue and Universalism, Vol. XXV, No. 2/2015
  45. Anca Vasiliu: "Toucher par la vue. Plotin en dialogue avec Aristote sur la sensorialité de l’incorporel", Les Études philosophiques, 2015/4 (N° 154)
  46. Anca Vasiliu: "Penser Dieu. La condition de réciprocité (Noétique et théologie rationnelle à partir d’une page de Philon d’Alexandrie)", in: Phantasia, Univ. Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Vol. 1, 2015
  47. Anca Vasiliu: "Hupostasis ou le fondement de la manifestation", in: Revue Philosophie n° 127 : Fondation et fondement
  48. Ioana Vultur: "Vers une herméneutique du cinéma", in: Revue Critique, n ° 817-818 : Où va l’herméneutique ?
  49. Dan Zeman: "Relativism and Bound Predicates of Personal Taste: An Answer to Schaffer's Argument from Binding", in: Dialectica, Volume 69, Issue 2, pages 155–183, June 2015
  1. Sorin Bangu: "Scientific Progress, Understanding and Unification", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  2. Tudor M. Băetu: "When Is a Mechanistic Explanation Satisfactory? Reductionism and Antireductionism in the Context of Mechanistic Explanations", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  3. Radu J. Bogdan: "Memory as Window on the Mind", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  4. Larisa Cercel & Adriana Serban: "Revisiting a Classic: Friedrich Schleiermacher", in: Larisa Cercel & Adriana Serban (eds.), Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation, De Gruyter, 2015
  5. Rodica Croitoru: "La troisième antinomie de la raison pure: Soutien épistémique de l'ction pratique”,in: Kant, La raison pratique, concepts et héritages; sous la direction de Sophie Grapotte, Margit Ruffing et Ricardo Terra, Paris, Librairie Philosophique J.Vrin, 2015, p. 155-161.
  6. Madalina Diaconu: "Düfte: materia subtilis der Lüfte“ in: Ästhetik der Materialität, hg. von Christiane Heibach und Carsten Rohde, Paderborn: Fink, 2015, 288-314
  7. Madalina Diaconu, Marin Diaconu: "Die Kant-Rezeption in Rumänien (1818-1989)", in: Violetta L. Waibel (Hg.), Umwege. Annäherungen an Immanuel Kant in Wien, in Österreich und in Osteuropa, V & R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2015, 223-230
  8. Madalina Diaconu, Marin Diaconu: "The Reception of Kant in Romania (1818-1989)", in: Violetta L. Waibel (Hg.), Detours. Approaches to Immanuel Kant in Vienna, in Austria and in Eastern Europe, V & R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2015, 217-224
  9. Madalina Diaconu: "Von Hunden und Menschen. Zur anthropologischen Differenz bei Heidegger, Lévinas und Straus“, in: Ludwig Binswanger und Erwin Straus. Beiträge zur psychiatrischen Phänomenologie, hg. v. Thiemo Breyer, Thomas Fuchs und Alice Holzhey-Kunz, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für phänomenologische Anthropologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Bd. 4, Freiburg, München: Karl Alber, 2015, 235-265
  10. Dragos Duicu: "La reprise par Patočka de la définition aristotélicienne du mouvement : trois conséquences", in: Claude Vishnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.), Patočka lecteur d’Aristote. Phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie, Le Cercle Herméneutique, 2015
  11. Mircea Dumitru: "A Free Logic for Fictionalism", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  12. Andreea Eșanu: "Issues in Modeling Open-Ended Evolution", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  13. Mircea Flonta: "What Ought to Be Done and What Is Forbidden: Rules of Scientific Research as Categorical or Hypothetical Imperatives", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  14. Mihai Ganea: "A Remark on a Relational Version of Robinson’s Arithmetic Q", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  15. Anca Gheaus: "Children's rights, parental agency and the case for non-coercive responses to care drain", in D. Meyers (ed.), Poverty, Agency and Human Rights, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 299-320, 2014.
  16. Anca Gheaus: "Feminism and gender", in A. Fiala (ed.), Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy, Bloomsbury, 167-182, 2015
  17. Mihaela Gligor: "Searching for Homo Religiosus with Mircea Eliade in India" in: The West in Asia and Asia in the West. Essays on Transnational Interactions. Volume edited by Elisabetta Marino and Tanfer Emin Tunc, McFarland Publishers, USA, 2015
  18. Maria Gyemant: "Sur ce que l’antipsychologisme husserlien doit à Lotze", in: Boccaccini, Federico (dir.), Lotze et son héritage. Son influence et son impact sur la philosophie du XXe siècle, Peter Lang, 2015
  19. Maria Gyemant: "Psychologie et antipsychologisme chez Husserl. L’année 1894", in: Maria Gyemant (dir.), Psychologie et psychologisme, Vrin, 2015
  20. Maria Gyemant: "La dynamique pulsionnelle. Révélateur et solution des tensions entre phénoménologie et psychanalyse ", in: Maria Gyemant, Délia Popa (Hrsg.), Approches phénoménologiques de l'inconscient, Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2015
  21. Maria Gyemant: "Objects or Intentional Objects?", in: Objects and Pseudo-Objects, Ed. by Leclercq, Bruno / Richard, Sebastien / Seron, Denis, De Gruyter, 2015
  22. Adrian-Paul Iliescu: "The 'missing link'. Polarization and the need for 'trial by jury' procedures", in: The Politics of Sustainability Philosophical perspectives, Edited by Dieter Birnbacher, May Thorseth, Routledge, 2015
  23. Radu Ionicioiu: "Quantum Mechanics: Knocking at the Gates of Mathematical Foundations", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  24. Alexandru Manafu: "The Prospects for Fusion Emergence", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  25. Adrian Miroiu: "The Simple Majority Rule in a Three-Valued Logic Framework", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  26. Ioan Muntean: "Structural Pluralism and S-Dualities: A Project in String Realism", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  27. Adrian Niță: "Substance, Unity and Identity in Early Leibniz’s Work", in: Adrian Niță (Ed.), Leibniz’s Metaphysics and Adoption of Substantial Forms. Between Continuity and Transformation, Springer, 2015
  28. Gheorghe S. Paraoanu: "The Quantum Vacuum", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  29. Ilie Pârvu: "The Tradition of Scientific Philosophy in Romania", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  30. Viorel Pâslaru: "Causal and Mechanistic Explanations, and a Lesson from Ecology", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  31. Alexandru Pelin: "Les modalités du Tout dans la philosophie de Damascius", in: Le réel, S. Alexandre et E. Rogan (ed.), Zetesis - Actes des colloques de l’association [En ligne], n° 4 4, 2014
  32. Delia Popa: "Traumatisme et répétition", in: Maria Gyemant, Délia Popa (Hrsg.), Approches phénoménologiques de l'inconscient, Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2015
  33. Gabriel Sandu: "On a Combination of Truth and Probability: Probabilistic Independence-Friendly Logic", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  34. Ovidiu Stanciu: "La physis et les deux sens de l’individuation ", in: Claude Vishnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.), Patočka lecteur d’Aristote. Phénoménologie, ontologie, cosmologie, Le Cercle Herméneutique, 2015
  35. Adriana Şerban, Larisa Cercel: "Creativity and Alterity in Film Translation. A Return to Schleiermacher's Hermeneutics", in: Teresa Seruya, José Miranda Justo (eds.): Rereading Schleiermacher: Translation, Cognition and Culture, Springer, 2015
  36. Claudia Şerban: "La surprise comme mise en question de l’espace logique. Remarques sur la construction narrative d’Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland", in: Natalie Depraz, Claudia Serban (dir.), La surprise. À l'épreuve des langues, Éditions Hermann, 2015, 239-255
  37. Claudia Şerban, Natalie Depraz: "Avant-propos", in: Natalie Depraz, Claudia Serban (dir.), La surprise. À l'épreuve des langues, Éditions Hermann, 2015
  38. Gheorghe Ştefanov: "On Rule Embedding Artifacts", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  39. Ana-Stanca Tabarasi-Hoffmann: "Im Bann der romantik. Zur Verwendung des romantischen Kritikbegriffs im Voß-Kreis", in: Ulrich Breuer, Ana-Stanca Tabarasi-Hoffmann (Hg.), Der Begriff der Kritik in der Romantik, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2015
  40. Andrei Timotin: "Porphyry on Prayer", in: John Dillon, Andrei Timotin (eds.), Platonic Theories of Prayer, Brill, 2015
  41. Iulian D. Toader: "Against Harmony: Infinite Idealizations and Causal Explanation", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  42. Manuela L. Ungureanu: "A Momentous Triangle: Ontology, Methodology and Phenomenology in the Philosophy of Language", in: Gabriel Sandu, Ilie Pȃrvu, Iulian D. Toader (Eds.), Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science, Springer, 2015
  43. Anca Vasiliu: "Aristote et le supposé dualisme de Platon au sujet du principe et des genres (« Aristotele e il supposto dualismo di Platone riguardo il principio e i generi », trad. ital. L. Candiotto)", in: Senza dualismo. Nuovi percorsi nella filosofia di Platone, Mimesis, Milano 2015, pp. 95-110
  44. Marilena Vlad: "Damascius and Dionysius on Prayer and Silence", in: John Dillon, Andrei Timotin (eds.), Platonic Theories of Prayer, Brill, 2015


  1. Alexandru Atanase Barna: “Unity between typon and symbolon in the Mystagogy of Saint Maximus the Confessor”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  2. Sorin Baiasu: "Nature and Freedom: The Highest Good and the Beck/Silber Debate Today", comunicare în 24 sept. 2015, la 12. Congres Internațional Kant, Viena 21-25 septembrie 2015
  3. Dan Batovici: “The 'Petrine corpus' in Clement, Origen, and Eusebius”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  4. Alexandru Boboc: "Types of ontologies in the philosophy of the 20th century”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  5. Constantin Brîncus: “The Epistemic Significance of Valid Inference – A Model-Theoretic Approach”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  6. Dana Cazacu: "On the persistence of the category of space in the experience of the virtual world”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  7. Cosmin Sebastian Cercel: "Law’s Disappearance: The State of Exception and the Destruction of Experience", Law's Hermeneutics: Other Investigations, June 5, 2015-June 6, 2015, Maison Française d'Oxford
  8. Viorel Cernica: „The ontology of the judicative”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  9. Cristian Ciocan: "Une analytique phénoménologique de la violence inter- et intra-spécifique", Colloque: L'humain en question. Ce que les animaux nous apprennent, 7 au 9 mai 2015, Université de Genève
  10. Ion Copoeru: "Exclusion, typification et immanence", Colloque: Repenser le politique à travers des imaginaires dispersés, Vendredi 18- 19 septembre 2015, Canada
  11. Sorin Costreie: “Frege on acquaintance”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  12. Eveline Cioflec: "Zur technischen Reproduzierbarkeit des Kunstwerkes“,Japanisch-deutsches Symposium zum 30-jährigen Bestehen der Städtepartnerschaft Meßkirch-Kahoku, 5. und 6. September 2015, Meßkirch
  13. Eveline Cioflec: "Zu Alexandru Dragomir: Phänomenologie als Übung im Philosophieren – Über die Zeit. Eine Weise der Politik apolitisch Widerstand zu leisten", Horizons Beyond Borders. Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe, 17–19 June, 2015, Budapest, Hungary
  14. Rodica Croitoru: "Les Lumières et l'insatisfaction sceptique de la raison pure”, comunicare în 29 sept. 2015, la Congresul Internațional al Societății Kant de Limba Franceză, SEFLF, 28-sept.-2. oct. 2015
  15. Rodica Croitoru: "Reason as if investigator of nature”, comunicare în 22 sept. 2015 la 12. Congres Internațional Kant, Viena 21-25 septembrie 2015
  16. Madalina Diaconu: "Wohnen Tiere? Wohnen mit Tieren? Die anthropologische Differenz am Beispiel des interspezifischen Wohnens“, Vortrag beim 10. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, „Mensch sein – Fundament, Imperative oder Floskel?“, 4.-6. Juni 2015, Universität Innsbruck
  17. Mădălina Diaconu: "Himmlische Düfte auf Erden, irdische Düfte im Himmel“, Interdisciplinary Symposium Belle Haleine. Der Duft der Kunst / The Scent of Art, 17.-18.4.2015, Museum Tinguely, Basel
  18. Madalina Diaconu: „Zwischen Zäsur und Zensur. Lucian Blagas Gratwanderung zwischen Philosophie und Theologie“, Vortrag beim Forum România XVIII: „Lucian Blaga - ein Philosoph mit Zukunft. Gedanken zu. 120. Geburtstag“, Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Wien, 6. Mai 2015
  19. Mădălina Diaconu: “Liturgie und olfaktorische Gegenwartskunst”, Otto-Mauer-Zentrum, Wien, 3. Dezember 2015
  20. Madalina Diaconu: "Die Universität als Ort eines situierten und situativen Denkens“, Vortrag beim Symposium „Sinn und Sinnlichkeit. Zum Erleben und Verstehen von Universitätsarchitektur“, Institut für Humangeographie der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 11.2.2015
  21. Madalina Diaconu: „Rad und Tat. Ion Mândrescus tragisches Geschichtsdenken“, Club 5+: art talks, Five Plus Art Gallery Wien, 23. Juni 2015
  22. Mădălina Diaconu: Teilnahme an der Podiumdiskussion „Anschreiben gegen Vergessen und Verdrängen“, anlässlich des interdisziplinären Symposiums „Schreiben als Widerstand. Elfriede Jelinek & Herta Müller“, veranstaltet von der Forschungsplattform Elfriede Jelinek und Elfriede-Jelinek-Forschungszentrum, MUSA (Museum Startgalerie Artothek), Wien, 27. Nov. 2015
  23. Madalina Diaconu, „Die interkulturelle Hermeneutik: Mittel oder Zweck?“ [Kommentar zu Chibueze Udeani: „Fremde Kulturen 'kompetent' verstehen? Zum interkulturell-Hermeneutischen im kulturellen Diskurs des 21. Jahrhunderts“], Tagung „Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Kritik“, organisiert von polylog, WiGiP und IWK, Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde Wien, 12.-13.2.2015
  24. Dragos Duicu: « Le corps comme sédiment du mouvement. Biran et Patočka ». Colloque international « La tradition française de la philosophie du corps et de la vie », Académie des sciences de Prague, République Tchèque, mars 2015
  25. Mircea Dumitru: “A Free Logic for Fictionalism”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  26. Christian Ferencz-Flatz: "Zur Erfindung eines rumänischen Phänomenologen. Der Fall Alexandru Dragomir", Horizons Beyond Borders. Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe, 17–19 June, 2015, Budapest, Hungary
  27. Victor Eugen Gelan: “Husserl's Idea of Rigorous Science and its Relevance for the Human and Social Sciences”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  28. Toni Gibea: „Can interdisciplinary field of experimental ethics have a normative account?”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  29. Camil Golub: "Expressivism and Realist Explanations", Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 6-9, 2015, University of Colorado, Boulder, SUA
  30. Camil Golub: "Biographical Identity and Regret", Conference on Analytical Existentialism, Universitatea Bogazici, Istanbul, 14-15 noiembrie 2015
  31. Mihai Hîncu: “Games and the pragmatics of quantifier scope disambiguation”,15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  32. Georgiana Huian: “The Spiritual Experience in Diadochus of Photike”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  33. Lucian Ionel: "The intelligibility of moods. With regard to a dispute between Hegel and Heidegger", Workshop: The Meaning of Moods, December, 8–9, 2015, Switzerland
  34. Dana Jalobeanu: "Baconian science versus Newtonian science: Revisiting the Kuhnian divide", The Uses and Abuses of Mathematics in Early Modern Philosophy, 10 March 2015, Budapest
  35. Adrian Ludusan: “On the significance of categoricity arguments”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  36. Sebastian Mateiescu: “Counting ‘natures': St Maximus the Confessor on the concept of number”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  37. Andrei Marasoiu: “Why believe there are infinite sets?”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  38. Bogdan Mincă: "Polis und Dichtung bei Martin Heidegger", Seminar: Political Poetry Across the Centuries, 2 May 2015, Merano, Italy
  39. Raluca Mocan: "Conscience kinésthesique et habitudes motrices", L’espace comme carrefour épistémologique et phénoménologique (II), 9 avril 2015, Paris
  40. Ioan Muntean: “Unconceived alternatives and expected unification: a limitation of Stanford’s “new induction””, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  41. Nicoleta Negraru: “Conflicts of Desire: Akrasia and moral conscience in Maximus the Confessor”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  42. Alina Noveanu: „Dichtung und Sprache, entlang der ‚Linie‘. Die Abrechnung mit dem Nihilismus in dem Gespräch Heideggers mit Ernst Jünger“, Japanisch-deutsches Symposium zum 30-jährigen Bestehen der Städtepartnerschaft Meßkirch-Kahoku, 5. und 6. September 2015, Meßkirch
  43. Elena Partene: "Du nomologique à l'herméneutique: le paradoxe d'un phénomène de la liberté", comunicare în 22 sept. 2015 la 12. Congres Internațional Kant, Viena 21-25 septembrie 2015
  44. Horia-Roman Patapievici: “On Pierre Duhem’s Two Epistemologies, “high” & “low””, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  45. Alexandra Parvan: “Augustine, Disease and Contemporary Philosophy of Medicine”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  46. Lucian Petrescu: "Descartes face au nominalisme", Journée d’étude Descartes et la Scolastique, 5 mars 2015, Ecole normale supérieure
  47. Mihaela Pop: „Could process philosophy be useful to understand performance art?”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  48. Délia Popa: "Repeating the Present. From the Phenomenology of Time to a Phenomenology of History", Workshop: Time in History / Time as History, 7–8 Dec 2015, BGHS, Bielefeld University
  49. Alexandru Prelipcean: “The influence of Romanos the Melodist in the Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete: some remarks about the Christological Typologies”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  50. Niciolae Rambu: "Die gezwungene Auslegung bei Kant", comunicare în 21 sept. 2015 la 12. Congres Internațional Kant, Viena 21-25 septembrie 2015
  51. Ana Maria Raducan: “Types of Audience in Saint Symeon the New Theologian's Hymnns of Divine Love”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  52. Mihai Rusu: “The Epistemology of Modality and the Method(s) of Philosophy”,15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  53. Gabriel Sandu: “Dependence of quantifiers: Arbitrary objects versus generalised Tarski-type semantics”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  54. Bianca Savu: “Grounds and Structures. A Discussion on a Possible Metaphysical Framework”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  55. Diana Stanciu: “Conscientia, capax Dei and salvation in Augustine”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  56. Constantin Stoenescu: „The knowledge-based society and the reverse transition from knowledge to information”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  57. Claudia Şerban: « Chair et corps : une distinction cartésienne ? ». Colloque international « La tradition française de la philosophie du corps et de la vie », Académie des sciences de Prague, République Tchèque, mars 2015
  58. Claudia Şerban: "De l’eidétique à la phénoménologie du rêve", Journées d’étude:Jean Hering. De l’eidétique à la phénoménologie de la vie religieuse, 18 avril 2015, UMR Pays Germaniques - Archives Husserl
  59. Claudia Şerban: « La phénoménologie française et les événements de sens (Sinnereignisse). Un prolongement de la lecture de László Tengelyi ». Colloque international « Réceptions et réflexions – Rapports entre la philosophie française et hongroise dans la seconde moitié du 20ième siècle », Institut hongrois de Paris, 19 novembre 2015
  60. Maria Şerban: “The explanatory payoffs of the thesis of multiple realization in cognitive neuroscience”, 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Clmps 2015), 3-8 August 2015, Helsinki
  61. Oana Camellia Şerban: „A Process Identity: The Aesthetics of the Technoself. Governing Network Societies”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  62. Irina Tanase: „The paradigm of knowledge-based society in the Information age: becoming digital citizen (Culture and Values of Digital Citizens)”, Interdisciplanry Approches to Process Philosophy, Sofia, 8-9 octombrie 2015
  63. Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler: "Proklos’ Erwähnungen der Eleusis-mysterien“, Il lato oscuro della tarda antichità. Marginalità e integrazione delle correnti esoteriche nella spiritualità filosofica dei secoli II-VI. Tema del terzo incontro : Testi, rituali, esperienze spirituali, Villa Vigoni, Italia, 8-11 ottobre 2015
  64. Andrei Timotin: "Les prières rituelles chez Jamblique", Il lato oscuro della tarda antichità. Marginalità e integrazione delle correnti esoteriche nella spiritualità filosofica dei secoli II-VI. Tema del terzo incontro : Testi, rituali, esperienze spirituali, Villa Vigoni, Italia, 8-11 ottobre 2015
  65. Octavian Vasile: “St. John of Damascus - On Right Thinking. A Theological, Historical and Philological Commentary”, XVII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 10 August - 14 August 2015
  66. Anca Vasiliu: "Totalité : le miroir brisé et la sunopsis. En quête de sources pour la définition IX du Livre des XXIV", Totalitas : aux origines d'un concept, fevrier 2015, Université de Caen
  67. Anca Vasiliu: "‘Apparence, réflexivité, réciprocité. Le visible et la faculté de voir chez Alexandre (In De sensu) et Plotin (T. 29)’", Representation and Reality Workshop 21-22 February, 2015
  68. Marilena Vlad: "Denys l’Aréopagite et le principe donateur de bien". Le principe du Bien. L’héritage philosophique de l’antiquité à l’époque tardo-antique et médiévale. Centre Léon Robin de recherches sur la pensée antique UMR 8061 : CNRS - Univ. Paris-Sorbonne - ENS Ulm 15 janvier 2015, 14h30-18h30, Salle des Actes, Sorbonne




  1. Madeea Axinciuc, Despre ierarhiile divine. Fascinația Unului și lumile din noi – temeiuri pentru pacea religiilor, Humanitas, 2015
  2. Andrei Bereschi, Opera și tradiția platoniciană între filosofie politică și logică a mitului, Editura Şcoala Ardeleană, 2015
  3. Alexandru Boboc, Ratiune si spirit in reconstructia moderna in filosofie, vol. I - De la Descartes la Hegel, Editura Academiei Romane, 2015
  4. Ștefan Bolea, Theoria, Crux Publishing, 2015
  5. Tudor Cătineanu, Deontologia Opiniei între Etică şi Retorică, Editura Școala Ardeleană, 2015
  6. Ion Cordoneanu, In dialog. Studii de filosofie crestina, teologie politica si istoria religie, Editura Eikon, 2015
  7. Florin Crîşmăreanu, Analogie şi hristologie. Studii dionisiene şi maximiene, Editura UAIC, 2015
  8. Nicoleta Dabija, Intimitatea spiritului. Metafizica în timpul confesiunii, Editura Eikon, 2015
  9. Alexandru Dragomir, Some Applications of Dynamic Epistemic Logics in Formal Epistemology, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  10. Daniela Dunca, Petru Dunca (coordonatori), Constante şi reconfigurări în problematica etică a comunicării, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  11. Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Incursiuni fenomenologice în noul film românesc, Editura Tact, 2015
  12. Dumitru Gheorghiu, Introducere în filosofia minţii. Curs universitar. Volumul 1, Trei, 2015
  13. Bogdan Ghiu, Totul trebuie tradus. Noua paradigma (un manifest), Cartea Românească, 2015
  14. Mihaela Gligor, From Influence and Confluence to Difference and Indifference. Studies on History of Religions, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2015
  15. Cristian Iftode, Aristotel. Problema analogiei si filosofia donatiei, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti
  16. Nicolae Iuga, Din istoria marilor idei etice și pedagogice, Ed. Grinta, Cluj, 2015
  17. Dana Jalobeanu, The art of experimental natural history: Francis Bacon in context, Zeta Books, 2015
  18. Anca Manolescu, Modelul Antim, modelul Păltiniș. Cercuri de studiu și prietenie spirituală, Humanitas, 2015
  19. Laura Mesina, Imaginarul medieval. Forme si teorii, Editura Institutul European, 2015
  20. Cristian Moisuc, Métaphysique et théologie chez Nicolas Malebranche. Proximité, éloignement, occasionnalisme (Préface de Vincent Carraud), Zeta Books, 2015
  21. Daniel Nica, Pastila roşie. Eseu despre moralitate şi fericire, Trei, 2015
  22. Sonia Pavlenko, Ideea de universitate, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2015
  23. Ilie Parvu, Studii filosofice, vol. II - Interpretari si reconstructii teoretice in filosofie, Editura Academiei Romane, 2015
  24. Ioan Alexandru Tofan, Cuvinte, lucruri, imagini. Teorie critică la Walter Benjamin şi Theodor W. Adorno, Editura UAIC, 2015
  25. Ciprian Valcan, Cioran, un aventurier nemiscat, Editura All, 2015


  1. Ana Bazac (coordonator), Despre dreptate: perspectivă multidisciplinară, Aius, 2015
  2. Marin Bălan, Valentin Mureșan (ed.), Etică în știință, religie și societate, Editura Universității din București, 2015
  3. Alexandru Boboc, Claudiu Baciu, Sergiu Bălan, Ion Tănăsescu (coord.), Studii de istorie a filosofiei universale, București, Editura Academiei Române, 2015
  4. Loredana Cornelia Bosca, Lucia Ovidia Vreja (coord.), Filosofie si economie. Teme si realitati contemporane, Editura ASE, 2015
  5. Tamara Caraus, Dan Lazea (eds.), Cosmopolitanism without Foundations?, Zeta Books, 2015
  6. Viorel Cernica, Constantin Aslam, Oana Serban (Ed.), Hermeneutica Ideii de Filosofie Românească, Editura Universității din București, 2015
  7. Mihai-Dan Chiţoiu, Ioan-Alexandru Tofan (coordonatori), Proceedings of the International Conference “Humanities and Social Sciences Today. Classical and Contemporary Issues” – Philosophy and Other Humanities, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  8. Mihai-Dan Chițoiu, Savu Totu (coordonatori), Filosofie și religie în spațiul românesc, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  9. Sorin Costreie, Mircea Dumitru (coordonatori), Meaning and Truth, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  10. Tudorel Dima, Mihaela Luca (coordonatori), Cognitive Sciences – An Interdisciplinary Approach, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  11. Mihaela Gligor (ed.), From Influence and Confluence to Difference and Indifference. Studies on History of Religions, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2015
  12. Mircea Flonta, Emanuel-Mihail Socaciu, Constantin Vica (ed.), Filosofia ştiinţelor umane: in memoriam Mihail Radu Solcan, Editura Universității din București, 2015
  13. Georgeta Marghescu, Viorel Cernica (coordonatori), Filosofia lui P.P. Negulescu, Reconsiderări istorice, Editura Universității din București, 2014
  14. Bogdan Mincă, Remus Breazu, Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), Aspecte ale metodei fenomenologice, Editura Universității din București, 2015
  15. Bogdan Olaru, Andrei Holman (coordonatori), Contribuţii la psihologia morală: evaluări ale rezultatelor şi noi cercetări empirice, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  16. Mihaela Pop, Oana Șerban (ed.), Culture and Religion in the Balkans: Philosophical Approaches, Editura Universității din București, 2015
  17. Mihai Popa, Mona Mamulea, Viorel Cernica, Titus Lates (coord.), Studii de istorie a filosofiei românești, vol. XI, București, Editura Academiei Române, 2015
  18. Alexandru Surdu, Sergiu Bălan, Mihai Popa (coord.), Studii de teoria categoriilor, vol. VII, București, Editura Academiei Române, 2015
  19. Alexandru Surdu, Dragoş Popescu, Ştefan-Dominic Georgescu (coord.), Probleme de logica, vol. XVIII, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2015
  20. Constantin Stoenescu (ed.), Etica cercetării şi proprietatea intelectuală, Editura Universității din București, 2015
  21. Radegundis Stolze, John Stanley, Larisa Cercel (eds.), Translational Hermeneutics: The First Symposium, Zeta Books, 2015
  22. Viorel Vizureanu (coordonator), Re-thinking the Political in Contemporary Society: Globalization, Consumerism, Economic Efficiency, Pro Universitaria, 2015
  23. Studii de Istorie a Filosofiei Universale, Volumul XXIII, 2015


  1. Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 1/2015
  2. Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Filosofie, Nr. 35 (1/2015)
  3. Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Filosofie, Nr. 36 (2/2015)
  4. Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric, Vol 13, issue 1, 2015
  5. Cercetări filosofico-psihologice, anul VII, nr. 1, 2015
  6. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 2015, Vol. 11 (2)
  7. Journal of Early Modern Studies Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring 2015)
  8. Journal of Early Modern Studies Volume 4, Issue 2 (Fall 2015)
  9. Meta. Vol. VII, No. 1 / June 2015
  10. Meta. Vol. VII, No. 2 / December 2015
  11. Noema, XIV, 2015
  12. Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXII, Nr. 1, 2015
  13. Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXII, Nr. 2, 2015
  14. Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXII, Nr. 3, 2015
  15. Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXII, Nr. 4, 2015
  16. Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXII, Nr. 5, 2015
  17. Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXII, Nr. 6, 2015
  18. Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, Tome 59, 2015, Nr. 1
  19. Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, Tome 59, 2015, Nr. 2
  20. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai - Studia Europaea, 3-2015
  21. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai PHILOSOPHIA, 2/2015
  22. Studia Phaenomenologica: Vol. XV / 2015 - Early Phenomenology
  23. Symposion, Volume 2, Issue 4, 2015
  24. Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 3, July 2015
  25. Word and Text - A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics, No. 1-2 / 2015



  1. Theodor Adorno, Jargonul autenticității, traducere de Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Tact, 2015
  2. Giorgio Agamben, Stasis. Războiul civil ca paradigmă politică (Homo sacer II, 2), traducere de Alex Cistelecan, Editura Tact, 2015
  3. Leon Battista Alberti, De familia/Despre familie, traducere şi note de Corina Anton, Smaranda Bratu Elian, Humanitas, 2015
  4. Francesco Alfieri, Problema individualității. Prezența lui Duns Scotus în gîndirea lui Edith Stein, traducere de Raluca Lazarovici Vereș, Ratio & Revelatio, 2015
  5. Dario Antiseri, Actualitatea gândirii franciscane, traducere de Virgil Blaj, Editura Serafica, 2015
  6. Anselm de Canterbury, Despre adevăr (De veritate), traducere de Cristian Bejan, note şi comentarii de Andrei Marinca, Editura Ratio et Revelatio, Oradea, 2015
  7. Walter Benjamin, Opera de artă in epoca reproductibilității sale tehnice, traducere de Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Tact, 2015
  8. Olivier Boulnois, Duns Scotus. Rigoarea carității, traducere de Ana Irimescu, Ratio & Revelatio, 2015
  9. Cartea celor 24 filosofi (Liber XXIV philosophorum), traducere şi comentarii de Daniel Coman, Editura Ratio et Revelatio, Oradea, 2015
  10. Giorgio Colli, Scrieri despre Nietzsche (traducere de Alexandru Boboc), in:Revista de Filosofie, Tomul LXII, Nr. 4, 2015
  11. R.G. Collingwood, Eseu despre metoda filozofică Poate găsi filozofia o ieşire din starea de descumpănire?, traducere de D.G. Stoianovici, Humanitas, 2015
  12. Rene Descartes, Corespondenta completa. Volumul al II-lea: 1639-1644, editie ingrijita de Vlad Alexandrescu, traducere din franceza, latina si neerlandeza de Vlad Alexandrescu, Robert Arnautu, Calin Cristian Pop, Mihai-Dragos Vadana, Grigore Vida, Polirom, 2015
  13. Vilém Flusser, Gesturi, traducere de Aurel Codoban, Maria-Magdalena Anghelescu, Claudiu Gaiu, IDEA Design & Print, 2015
  14. Michel Foucault, Guvernarea de sine si guvernarea celorlalti, traducere de Bogdan Ghiu, Editura Idea, 2015
  15. Fredegisus, Despre substanta nimicului si a intunericului, Editura Univers Enciclopedic, 2015
  16. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Materiale privind istoria Teoriei culorilor, traducere de Dragoş Popescu, Studii de Istorie a Filosofiei Universale, Volumul XXIII, 2015
  17. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Pagini despre ştiinţă, traducere de Claudiu Baciu, Studii de Istorie a Filosofiei Universale, Volumul XXIII, 2015
  18. David Hume, Dialoguri asupra religiei naturale, traducere de Alexandru Anghel, Herald, 2015
  19. Leibniz, Limba universală, caracteristica universală, calculul logic, coordonator Adrian Niță; traducători: acad. Alexandru Boboc, Dana Dinu, Aurel Lupu, Elena Emilia Ștefan; introducere și note Adrian Niță, Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold, 2015
  20. Leibniz, Corespondența cu Foucher, Nicaise, Bossuet, Sophie și Sophie Charlotte, coordonator Adrian Niță; introducere de Adrian Niță; traducători: Delia Șerbescu, Adrian Niță; note de Delia Șerbescu, Adrian Niță, Ionuț Răduică, Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold, 2015
  21. Leibniz, Metafizica, traducere de Rucsandra Dascalu, Dana Dinu, Magdalena Indries, Adrian Nita, Delia Serbescu, Elena Emilia Stefan, Univers Enciclopedic Gold, 2015
  22. Raimundus Lullus, Ars brevis, traducere, comentarii si referinte de Jana Balacciu Matei, Polirom, 2015
  23. Salomon Maimon, Încercare asupra filosofiei transcendentale, traducere de Andrei Todoca, Ratio & Revelatio, 2015
  24. Jean-Luc Marion, Prolegomene la caritate, traducere din franceză de Marius Boldor, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015
  25. Jean-Luc Marion, Despre rationalitatea Revelatiei si irationalitatea credinciosilor, traducere de Maria-Cornelia Ica jr, Deisis, 2015
  26. Manuel Garcia Morente, Faptul extraordinar. Experienta mistica a unui filozof contemporan, traducere de Cristian Badilita, Grinta, 2015
  27. Richard Rorty, Filosofie și oglinda naturii, traducere de Alexandru Racu, Anca Eliza Simitopol, Marius Bogdan Tudor, Editura Tact, 2015
  28. Eric de Rus, Edith Stein. Arta de a educa. Antropologie, educatie, viata spirituala, traducere de Alina-Daniela Marinescu, Paul Marinescu, Spandugino, 2015
  29. Gregory Vlastos, Credința creștină și democrația, traducere de Nicolae Drăgușin, Ratio & Revelatio, 2015



  1. CELFIS seminar 2015-2016, Facultatea de Filosofie din Bucureşti
  2. Conferinta Nationala Categorii filosofice si concepte interculturale, 27 februarie 2015, Facultatea de Filosofie, Universitatea din București
  3. Mădălina Diaconu: „Locul bibliotecii, intre topologie şi heterotopie socială“, Biblioteca Austria – 5 ani de la înființare, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza Iaşi, 20 martie 2015
  4. Workshop internaţional: “The Future of Nuclear Energy in Romania. Sustainability, Social and Philosophical Aspects”, 26 martie 2015, Facultatea de Filosofie, Universitatea din București
  5. Workshop: Revisiting Reformation in Transylvania: What Makes it Different?, 20 martie 2015, Cluj-Napoca
  6. Workshop: Natural History, Mathematics, and Metaphysics in the Seventeenth Century, Bucharest, 26-27 May 2015
  7. Simpozionul: Actual directions of research on consciousness, Academia Romana, 14 mai 2015
  8. A 9-a Conferinţă Ştiinţifică Internaţională “Provocările Societăţii Cunoaşterii” Bucureşti, 22-23 mai 2015
  9. International Conference: Beliefs and Behaviours in Education and Culture (BBEC), Timisoara, 25-17 June, 2015
  10. FIDEM (The International Federation of Institutes for Medieval Studies) Congress: ”Varieties of Readings of Medieval Sources”, Cluj-Napoca, 23-26 September, 2015. Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.
  11. BCAP 2015 - Bucharest Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy 2015 – Meaning & Reference, University of Bucharest, 19-21 June 2015
  12. Half-day workshop in robo-ethics, Organized by the Center for Research in Applied Ethics (CCEA) & Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Bucharest (IRH-UB), 2 June 2015
  13. Conferinta Internationala: Time and Culture, 7-10 septembrie 2015, Facultatea de Filosofie a Universitatii din Bucuresti
  14. Conferința națională: Estetică și Teorii ale Artelor (ETA), a patra ediție, 11‐12 Septembrie 2015, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca
  15. Masterclass on Isaac Newton’s Philosophical Projects, 6-11 October 2015, Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Bucharest
  16. Conferinţele Centrului de Filosofie Antică şi Medievală, 13 octombrie - 15 decembrie, semestrul de toamnă 2015, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca
  17. Estetica fenomenologică după centenar: Perspective istorice și tendințe actuale. Colocviul anual al Societății Române de Fenomenologie In memoriam Walter Biemel (1918–2015) 21 noiembrie 2015
  18. Bucharest – Oxford Workshop in Applied Ethics: Does Applied Ethics Need A Better Moral Philosophy?, 3-4 decembrie 2015, Facultatea de Filosofie din Bucureşti
  19. Masă rotundă: „Emil Cioran în contemporaneitate”, 11 decembrie 2015, Facultatea de Filosofie din Bucureşti
